Growing B2B Companies

B2B Tech Startups

We cure your
'Empty Pipeline Syndrome'
By Booking Intros With Qualified Leads
That Are Actually Worth Your Time.

For half the cost of one SDR.

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Our partners booked meetings with:

Meet Outbound Unicorns

We grow your startup or B2B company from a cute little pony to a legendary unicorn through hyper-targeted outbound campaigns at scale.

Without hiring and training expensive and inexperienced sales reps.
Without wasting your time on "tirekickers" or low-ticket leads.
Without having to rely on referrals or WOM.

We help fast-growing B2B companies

Identifying and reaching the right decision-makers

You have an amazing offer, but are strugglig to get it in front of the right dm's.

Save Time

You’re spreading yourself too thin over all these different tasks that need your attention, leaving no time for efficient outbound prospecting.

Bring consistency into your pipeline

Referrals and WOM are nice, but relying on them to keep the lights on can be dangerous.

Budget maxxing

As an early-stage startup or b2b company, you can't afford to splurge your budget without a clear ROI in sight.

Our Pony to Unicorn Process

Technical Outbound Infrastructure
We setup your custom technical infrastructure that is crucial to succeed in today's outbound environment.
Business Deep-Dive
Efficient onboarding where we study the ins-and-outs of your business and your target audience.
Launch Your Campaigns
We launch your laser-focused campaigns at scale, and we turn every interested reply into a qualified appointment.
Consistent Flow of Qualified Meetings
New sales opportunities scheduled in your calendar every single week.

From A to Z(oom)

We gather market data, build targeted lead lists ,
write your copy, and turn prospects into warm leads.

We'll even book them in your calendar of choice.

You simply show up and close the deal.

Get in touch.

Outbound Unicorns
an in-house SDR

Hiring and training sales reps is expensive,
time-consuming and risky.
50% of the cost of an SDR
(even less)
Proven track record and industry knowledge
You stay focused on core business activities and leave lead gen to outbound experts
Performance-driven approach focused on delivering results
AI-driven tech stack for optimal ROI-efficiency & scalability
In-house SDR
Salary, recruitment & training costs, ...  ($100K+ / yr)
Entry-level with no previous experience
Continuous management, training and supervision required for an in-house SDR
Risk of underperformance or turnover with an in-house SDR
No knowledge about industry tech for optimal productivity

Frequently asked questions

Are you really 50% of the cost of an SDR?

No, even less. When you hire a sales rep, you pay for their salary, insurance, and laptop. If you're lucky, you're done training them after 3 months and they start delivering results.

We set up and manage your whole outbound email infrastructure for less than 50% of the monthly cost of an SDR - delivering qualified meetings with enterprise-clients in the first month.

What if I already have an in-house sales team? How can you complement their efforts?

We serve as an extension of your existing sales team, providing specialized expertise in lead generation and outbound prospecting. By partnering with us, you can offload the time-consuming and complex tasks of cold email campaigns to our dedicated team, allowing your in-house sales team to focus on closing deals and building relationships with qualified prospects.

How do you determine whether a lead is qualified or not?

During the quick but diligent onboarding process, we’ll go over your desired ideal customer profile. Together, we’ll come up with a list of qualifications each lead should answer to before being counted as qualified.

What level of involvement do I need to have in the lead generation process?

We understand that as a busy founder, your time is valuable. That's why we take care of the entire lead generation process, from ideal customer profiling to campaign creation and optimization. However, we also value your insights and industry knowledge. We encourage open communication to ensure that our efforts align with your vision and target market.

How long does it take to see results?

Lead generation is an ongoing process, and results may vary depending on various factors such as your industry, target market, and the competitiveness of your offering. However, we work diligently to optimize your campaigns and generate valuable meetings as quickly as possible. With our proven strategies and efficient processes, you can start seeing meaningful results within 1 - 2 weeks after campaign launch.

Can you help us establish product-market-fit?

We specialize in working with startups that have already achieved product-market fit and are looking to scale their customer acquisition efforts to unicorn-levels. This being said, we understand the critical importance of establishing product-market fit. If you're still in the early stages, depending on your precise offering, we’re more than happy to help you as well. 

Feel free to book a short discovery call and we’ll dive into your specific situation.

Let's get in touch.

Meet our founder Alex during a 30-minute discovery call
and find out if we're a match made in heaven.
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